Aedium Design’s Innovative Public Washroom design competition

May 21, 2024

Girish N P, Executive Director & Chief Strategy Officer, handing over certificate to Arwin Jose

Combining creativity & practical solutions

In our quest to foster a culture of innovation and creativity, we embarked on an exciting journey to reimagine one of the most overlooked spaces – public washrooms. Our company-wide Innovative Public Washroom design competition invited participants from all departments to unleash their creativity and propose practical solutions for enhancing functionality and aesthetics.

The response to the competition was overwhelming, with participants submitting a wide range of creative and thoughtful designs. They focused on practical solutions to common challenges faced in public washrooms, such as maximising space, improving hygiene and enhancing accessibility.

After careful consideration, the judges Anand Swaminathan, Director – Healthcare & Airports and Nishanth HH, Director – Operations & Design, selected the winning design, created by Arwin Jose, Architect. His design stood out for its practicality and attention to detail.

We had three entries securing the second spot –

• Amal Thahir, Architect

• Darpan Kumar BK, Architect & Sharath Subramaniam, Architect

• Angel Ani Liju, Junior Architect

Congratulations, your designs are true reflections of the creativity and talent that defines our team!

Sandeep Rajendran, Director - Design & Projects, handing over certificates to Sharath Subramaniam, Darpan kumar BK, Amal Thahir (left to right)

We are proud of the work of all our participants, the thought and attention to detail for each design are a testimony of our commitment to innovative and sustainable designs.

The Need for Practical Solutions: Maintaining Public Washrooms in India

In India, where rapid urbanisation and population growth are placing increasing pressure on public infrastructure, the need for well-maintained and accessible washrooms is more critical than ever. Factors such as high footfall, limited resources, and varying levels of awareness about hygiene practices makes it difficult to keep these facilities clean and functional.

As a result, many public washrooms in India fall short of basic standards of hygiene and sanitation, leading to discomfort and potential health hazards for users. Our design competition was a humble starting point towards addressing these challenges and inspiring thought towards practical solutions that prioritise ease of maintenance and sustainability.