Transforming the design process - Aedium Design plunges deeper into Virtual Reality

May 21, 2024

Virtual Reality technology (VR) is one of the most significant developments in the Architectural design process in recent years. It has changed how we conceptualise, communicate and experience our designs. It has become an integral and powerful tool for visualising, communicating, and refining our designs, through which we can facilitate immersive, lifelike environments. VR helps us to step inside our designs and experience spaces from a human perspective, facilitating more intuitive exploration of scale, proportion, and spatial relationships.

“While we can explore and evaluate designs in ways that were not possible before, we are also able to make better informed design decisions and enhance collaboration within the team itself and with our clients,” opines Gibi K Pradeep, Manager – BIM at Aedium Design.

Quick look at VR within Aedium Design

Gibi, along with the other architects and designers in our team, capitalise on VR using Meta Quest in conjunction with Revit and Twin Motion software.
(Meta Quest refers to VR products and initiatives under Meta Platforms Inc.)

Here’s a sneak peek into how we use it here:

Design exploration in 3D
With Meta Quest, we can step into our Revit models and experience our designs in a new dimension. It’s like bringing blueprints to life. We can iterate rapidly on design ideas by testing different configurations, materials, and lighting conditions in a virtual environment.

Twin motion integration
The seamless integration of Twin Motion enables us to add visual effects and realistic lighting to our VR experience. The virtual environment helps in visualising the ideas better. We get a feel of being in our projects before hitting the ground.

Real time collaboration
We discuss changes and refine designs in real time, and make decisions, within the virtual environment.

Better communication with clients
We can communicate design concepts better with more engaging and impactful presentations to clients. As we walk them through their future spaces, we can convey the look, the feel, and the functionality of proposed spaces better.

In our quest to explore and make the design process more inclusive for our clients, we are excited to delve  deeper into the world of Virtual Reality. We’ll keep you posted, stay tuned.