WHo We Are

We are a unique, integrated, multidisciplinary design practice headquartered in Bengaluru, with regional offices in Mumbai, Hyderabad, and Pune. Our Pan-India tech-based holistic design practice redefines sustainability, believes in circularity and cocreates disruptive design. We are one-of-a-kind, one-stop design consultancy that embraces art, research, technology, user requirements, building economics and environmental responsibility.

Steered by a dedicated research lab, we focus on contemporary and sustainable architecture, design, building and infrastructure development – from table to site and across diverse scales and sectors.



Modern & eco-friendly architecture, design, building and infrastructure development

As a studio, we are driven by a strong focus on transforming the global user experience with impactful design. We approach architectural design as a process of managing competing interests – finding balance between program and cost, performance and appearance, feasibility and schedule, ambition and pragmatism. Our problem-solving process is integrated and iterative.

Our team comprises expert architects, designers, engineers, consultants, planners, contractors, and project managers, with 600+ years of combined experience. Collaborating with our clients and our communities is just as important as collaborating amongst ourselves.

Intent statement

Our purpose is to revolutionize strategic design thinking in Design Practice and foster a connected, impactful network of holistic designs for future generations. We draw insights from everyday experiences to improve the world. Design excellence is attained through collaborative efforts, as our interconnected studios share knowledge and generate the best ideas. Our problem-solving process is both integrated and iterative, involving collaboration within not just our teams but also with all our clients and communities.


Our focus is to advance strategic design thinking and explore alternative solutions through collaborative efforts. We aim to create exceptional design and value for a project while considering the concepts of communities and place making. We prioritize Sustainability, Circularity and Socio-cultural aspects, all while working within cost and time limitations to arrive at pragmatic solutions for the challenges in the built environment.


Our goal is to become a dynamic and diverse team, united under a ‘One Studio’ culture, dedicated to transforming the world through outstanding design. We are committed to crafting and improving people’s experiences by fostering a work culture that encourages idea-sharing through collaboration, inclusivity and responsible design practices promoting environmental preservation and potentially thriving communities.


We enhance people’s EXPERIENCE through people

‘One-studio culture gives us strength’
Our research, process of learning & unlearning, innovation, diverse perspectives and collaboration helps us to traverse and explore different dimensions of design. Our people are empowered to work seamlessly as a connected studio. This helps us in transforming the built environment for a Net Zero future. The connected studio brings forward collaboration, learning and unlearning, innovation, diverse perspectives and different dimensions of design. For us, design excellence is achieved through collaboration and this can happen only when our studios are interwoven with each other, sharing knowledge and the best ideas. Collaborating with our clients and our communities is just as important as collaborating among ourselves. Aedium Design is a movement to re-invent strategic design thinking and promote a well-connected, impactful network of holistic designs for future generations.

We RESEARCH to give power to design

‘Research renders power over design’
At Aedium Design, we are on a quest for hidden aspirations. Our diverse spectrum of design and engineering services is cohesively driven by extensive research and collaboration within and outside the practice – the Research Lab being a witness to the integrated and iterative problem-solving process at Aedium Design. The Research lab investigates art, technology, environment, user experience and building economics that is aimed at creating tailor-made solutions for a sustainable future.

We are CO-CREATE disruptive design for the built-fabric

Unlocking innovation through collaboration’
 We believe that great design changes lives. The solution to the most complex challenges often lie with people, technology and the environment – this propels us towards constant collaboration and consistent innovation in architecture and design. For us, involving stakeholders equally in design and decision making, hand holding them towards sustainability and circularity in design and construction – are all made possible through utilization of advanced technology. At Aedium, our research lab is dedicated to exploring Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, Metaverse, NFT, Computational Design – technologies that add profound value to our projects and processes.

We help you manifest your vision END-TO-END

A-to-Z of Design under one umbrella.’
We imbibe an ‘in-house integrated’ service model as opposed to a system involving multiple stakeholders and long processes. With a keen focus on sustainability and circularity, we aim to minimize errors in design and construction, reduce our carbon footprint and also enable a superlative, comprehensive approach to projects through an in-house collaborative workforce. Additionally, the integrated service model is intertwined with the ethos of the firm – saves the precious time of stakeholders, encourages efficient problem-solving and diversifies creativity.

We strive for a SUSTAINABLE environment through responsible design

Our future lies in us designing responsibly today.’
Well-aware of the climatological and environmental impact good design can create, at Aedium, we uphold the mantra of ‘#DesigningResponsibly’ to sustain the planet -- through tailor made design solutions with aesthetic sensibilities, all in compliance with regional statutory regulations and laws. We are redefining the modern-sustainable. We imbibe an ‘in-house integrated’ service model as opposed to a system involving multiple stakeholders and long processes. With a keen focus on sustainability and circularity, we aim to minimize errors in design and construction, reduce carbon footprint and also enable a superlative, comprehensive approach to projects through an in-house collaborative workforce. Additionally, the integrated service model is intertwined in the ethos of the firm – saves the precious time of stakeholders, encourages efficient problem-solving and diversifies creativity.

As a way of broader, holistic interactions within the workspaces, teams are motivated to sit in on discussions outside their immediate scope or zone of work as a means to promote involvement and awareness on the ongoing projects as a whole. Aedium has multiple projects designed keeping in mind sustainable parameters aiming to reduce the contribution to landfill and the overall carbon footprint.